Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Validation

I chose Mr. B.R Patel to do my validation and the one that i thought that I could do best on my part was to make posters on the main road that would lead to his shop which was not on the main road. Mr. Patel was alread quite hostile to us and that was probably because he could not understand our "faayeda" by doing this and he suspectrd that we were from a company to try to persuade him to join. When i went to talk to him he was asleep and when he woke up he just shrugged me off by waving his hand, so I left but I thought that I would come back the enxt day.
The next time I went he was awake but he totally refused to co-operate. He said that he didn't want to put any posters because then he would get into trouble for it and after a lot of trying to persuade him he still refused so I thought that there is no point trying to convince someone who has already made up his mind.
Then I went to B.K Glass, plywood and hardware store, another store that we had interviewed. But the reason that I hadn't chosen Mr. Masi was because whatever enhancements we had thought of he was already planning to do or were already done like expansion of space, business, clients. One thing that he had not done was put himself on the internet so I made a blog and I also pu
t him on the Google map directory.

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